WOMEN FROM FORCAREI CARME HERMIDA GULÍASTeacher and researcher. Promoter of the association MUGACOM (Association of Galician Women in Communication)Carme Hermida was born 60 years ago in Portela de Lamas-Pardesoa and is a professor dedicated to teaching and research at the University of Santiago de Compostela, where she was also secretary of the Faculty of Communication Sciences. She was the promoter of the association MUGACOM, which was set up on 8 March 1997 in the Faculty of Communication Sciences at the University of Santiago de Compostela with the aim of “bringing together the women of Galicia to better defend their interests from the perspectives of gender and country and with the aim of creating a platform to enable women to make claims and denounce sexism in the media”. Since the beginning of this year, she has been directing the BILEGA programme, Bibliografía Informatizada de la Lengua Gallega (Computerised Bibliography of the Galician Language) at the Centro de Estudios Ramón Piñeiro, also in Santiago. In Teo, from 2006 to 2014, she was #Councillor for Culture. Carme is persistent and responsible when she undertakes “What has to be done, do it”, until she was nine years old she lived in Forcarei, until she was eighteen in Basauri-Bizkaia, from there she returned to Santiago where she lives until 1999, when she moved to Sisto-Cacheiras, Carme was a pregonera at the Piper’s Festival in Soutelo de Montes in 2019. The best thing about living in Forcarei for her is the nature, the blue and luminous skies, being far away from any pollution “which is the evil of modern society”.on the other hand there are the affective relationships, the feeling of community “as you develop with its people, all this makes you come back and be comfortable”. “The best thing about being a woman is everything. Physiologically there is no difference in relation to men, but culturally “a hundred of them”. Carme has never had to face labour discrimination because “the Administration does not discriminate in salaries or promotion”. To achieve real and effective equality between women and men, she recommends to the women of Forcarei to be aware of our value, we are neither better nor worse than any other human being, to persist in the defence of our value with attitudes as persons and without limitations due to our gender. To young women who are about to start their working life, she advises them to be good professionals, to be resilient and resist the onslaught of these masculinised worlds, and if any aggression against personal integrity has occurred, to always denounce it. She is fond of reading, weaving lace, restoring furniture and antique tools, walking and travelling… Her professional plans are to continue at university as a teacher and researcher until she is 70 years old and her personal plans are to “look after her grandparents’ house, so that the objects of their work that are no longer in use are not lost”. Restoring their furniture and things makes me feel good.