OBJECT: to call for applications for aid under the Social Rent Voucher Programme for the year 2021, with multi-annual funding.
PROCEDURE: non-competitive concurrence
- Those who need help to cover the cost of renting their home, due to being in situations of special difficulty that led the landlord to file an eviction lawsuit for non-payment of rent.
- Victims of gender violence who have difficulty in assuming the cost of renting a home and who at the time of application are residing in one of the shelters integrated in the Galician Shelter Network.
- Those with difficulties to assume the cost of renting a dwelling and who were deprived of their habitual residence, which they own as owners or usufructuaries, due to damage suffered therein, derived from an unforeseeable and supervening circumstance, such as fire, flooding, etc.
- Those who have been beneficiaries of the Alquila programme and have received the full subsidy of this programme and have completed the maximum period of benefiting from this aid within the six months prior to the date of submission of their application for the subsidy of the social rental bonus programme.
- Those who are tenants of a public housing development owned by the IGVS and whose contract has expired as of the entry into force of this order.
- Those which, due to circumstances of social emergency and not reaching the minimum income limit established in the Empty Housing Programme, the monitoring and coordination committee of the aforementioned programme proposes the allocation of a dwelling within the framework of the aforementioned programme.
- Those who, being residents in housing owned by financial institutions or Sareb, had terminated their rental contract within the six months prior to the date of submission of their application for subsidy under the Social Rental Subsidy Programme.
- They must be registered and have been effectively resident in a municipality in the Autonomous Community of Galicia for the twelve months immediately prior to the date of submission of the application for aid.
- They must hold or be in a position to hold a lease contract for a minimum duration of one year.
- The dwelling is or will be their habitual or permanent residence.
- The rent of the contract does not exceed €350 (in the case of Forcarei council).
- The income of the beneficiary’s household must be equal to or less than 1.5 times the IPREM.
- Neither the applicant nor any other member of the cohabitation unit has a marriage or similar stable relationship with the lessor.
- That neither the applicant nor any other member of his or her cohabitation unit has a dwelling in national territory in ownership or usufruct, with the exception that having such a dwelling, he or she does not enjoy its use or enjoyment because it is insufficient or inadequate for reasons of habitability and mobility.
- That the members of the cohabitation unit are up to date with their tax and Social Security obligations.
MONTHLY AMOUNT: the amount of this aid for the town council of Forcarei will be €175 per month.
- The deadline for applications is 10 December 2021.
- Applications should preferably be submitted electronically. They may also be submitted in person by any of the means established in the regulations on common administrative procedure for public administrations.
LINK TO XUNTA DE GALICIA ELECTRONIC OFFICE: https://sede.xunta.gal/detalle-procedemento?langId=es_ES&codtram=VI482A