The Mayoress responds

Recycling centre

Recycling centre


The recycling centre

The Forcarei Town Council also offers its residents a household waste collection service for the recycling centre.

For this home collection of bulky rubbish without the need to bring it themselves, residents should call 986 75 50 36 or 986 75 54 32, giving the following details:

  1. Name, address and telephone
  2. Type of waste to be collected
  3. Quantity
The materials for collection must be placed  on the day and in the place indicated by the municipal staff, respecting neighbourhood coexistence and the cleanliness of the public thoroughfare.

Objectives of the Recycling Centre

Centralised points are created for the deposit by citizens of selectively collected waste for which specific management is required, due to its size – bulky waste – or its composition – batteries, solvents and other materials.

Objectives of the Recycling Centre

Centralised points are created for the deposit by citizens of selectively collected waste for which specific management is required, due to its size – bulky waste – or its composition – batteries, solvents and other materials.

The main objectives of these facilities are:

  • Recover materials contained in waste for recycling, such as paper, glass, metals, etc.
  • Avoid uncontrolled dumping of rubble and bulky waste such as furniture or household appliances.
  • Separate waste generated in households that represent a risk to the environment such as medicines, batteries, paints, etc.

The Forcarei recycling centre is located in the Freixeira Industrial Park (Cachafeiro).
The recycling centre is an area for the collection and management of waste produced in the domestic environment. (For waste produced in the industrial sector, the Xunta has Green Centres).


Waste admissible at the recycling centre



Toxic and harmful

Non-acceptable wastes

contacta coa alcaldesa

A Alcaldesa comprométese a responder nun prazo máximo de 10 días.​

contact the mayoress

The Mayor promises to respond within 10 days.