Deadline for submitting pleadings: 30 days from today The Diario Oficial de Galicia published yesterday the announcements of the resolutions of the Xunta de Galicia by which the environmental impact studies and the applications for prior administrative authorisation and construction and approval of the sectoral projects of supramunicipal impact and declaration of public utility of the wind farm projects of Monte Festeiros and Outeiro Grande are submitted to public information. MONTE FESTEIROS. Promoted by A.V. Monte Festeiros S.L.U. in Forcarei and Silleda, with a capacity of 48 megawatts and 10 wind turbines (in Forcarei and in Silleda). DOG: OUTEIRO GRANDE. Promoted by A.V. Outeiro Rojizo, S.L.U. in the municipalities of Forcarei and A Estrada, with a capacity to be installed of 18 MW and 5 wind turbines. DOG: PROJECT DOCUMENTATION:…/en…/instalacions-de-xeracion