Parroquia Santa Mariña de Presqueiras
Parroquia de Santa mariña de presqueiras
Villages: Alfonsín, Devesa de Baixo, Devesa de Riba, Penalva, Fontegrande, Regotraveso and Cernadelo (Casal) and Ratel. Among its mountains, the Outeiro del Coto stands out with 1014 m.
In this parish are the Outeiro das Cruces and Laxe das Buratas “insculturas”, classified as BIC, which in an area of seven metres houses a composition made up of eighteen cruciform signs of different sizes.
The parish church was the work of Manuel Fraiz Garrido, priest and stonemason of the last century, except for the sacristy, which was made by the stonemason Andrés Couceiro, from Cotobade, who was also the architect of the church of San Miguel.
It has a single nave with a gabled roof and a façade with a lintel and fornix, from which a tall bell tower stands out, already in the first section, which has three other sections in height, the first two being quadrangular and the third hexagonal, all with peralted arches, and ending in a cupola and pinnacle. It offers an image of high venerability that is not repeated in any of the other churches in the municipality.