The Mayoress responds

Ordinances and regulations

Application for registration in the municipal register of inhabitants.

Ordinance regulating the public price at the municipal sports facilities of the Karting track of A Madalena.

Ordinance regulating the organisation and operation of the municipal sports facilities of the A Madalena Karting track.

Tax ordinance regulating the tax on economic activities of the Town Council of Forcarei.

Tax ordinance regulating the property tax of the Town Council of Forcarei.

Tax ordinance on the tax on constructions, installations and works

Tax ordinance on the tax on vehicles of mechanical traction

Ordinance regulating the municipal home help service (SAF) in Forcarei Town Council.

General ordinance of public prices of the City Council of Forcarei 2013

Ordinance regulating the sewerage rate

Ordinance regulating the fee for the licence to open establishments

Ordinance regulating the fee for water, gas, electricity and other public supply distribution services.

Ordinance regulating the fee for laying, pipes and galleries for the conduction of electricity, water, gas or any other fluid, including poles for lines, cables, mooring boxes, distribution or registration boxes.

Ordenanza reguladora de la tasa por apertura de zanjas, calicatas y calas en terrenos de uso público local, incluso carreteras, caminos y demás vías públicas locales

Ordinance regulating the fee for local cemetery services, corpse transport and other local funeral services.

Ordinance regulating the fee for vehicle entry through verges and public road reserves for exclusive parking, vehicle stopping, loading and unloading of goods of any kind.

Ordinance regulating the fee for the issue of administrative documents

Ordinance regulating the urban development licence fee

Ordinance regulating the tax on licences for taxis and other vehicles for hire

Ordinance regulating the fee for the occupation of Municipal public land with tables, stands, grandstands, tablaos and other similar elements, for lucrative purposes.

Fee for the occupation of Municipal public land with goods, construction materials, waste, fences, props, shoring, scaffolding and other similar installations.

Fee for services of bathhouses, showers, swimming pools, sports facilities and other similar services.

Ordinance regulating the fee for solid urban waste collection, treatment and elimination services, cesspit cleaning and cleaning of private streets.

Ordinance regulating the fee for the installation of stalls, huts, stands for sales, shows, attractions or recreation, located on municipal public land, as well as street and mobile industries and filming of movies

Ordinance regulating the fee for the services of bathhouses, showers, swimming pools, sports facilities and other similar services.

Tax ordinance regulating the fee for the provision of the service for the celebration of civil marriages.

Application for the tax ordinance regulating the fee for the provision of the service for the celebration of civil marriages.

Organisation of the childcare point.

Ordinance on the organisation of the childcare point.

contacta coa alcaldesa

A Alcaldesa comprométese a responder nun prazo máximo de 10 días.​

contact the mayoress

The Mayor promises to respond within 10 days.