Nursery School A Galiña Azul
The nursery school
The Forcarei Nursery School is integrated in the Galician Network of Nursery Schools of Galicia “A Galiña Azul” dependent on the Galician Consortium of Equality and Welfare Services.
Monday to Friday from 8:00h to 19:30h. | The Forcarei Nursery School is a unitary school, offering 19 places in the morning and 19 places in the afternoon, plus one place for social emergencies on both days. |
- The management of the centre.
- The Education Committee: a collegiate body made up of: the school director, a person representing the Galician Consortium of Equality and Welfare Services and the educational staff.
- School Council: a collegiate body made up of: the Mayor of the Town Council who chairs the Council, the head teacher of the centre, one person representing the Consortium, one person representing the educational staff and one person representing the parents or guardians of the children.
The school staff consists of management, teachers, educators and a general services person.
You can only apply for a place for a child born at the time of application.
The age requirements for children are as follows:
- Minimum age: to be at least 3 months old on the date of admission, except for specific situations that must be accredited with a prior favourable report from the Social Services of the City Council or the department of the autonomous administration competent in the matter.
- Maximum age: under three years of age on 31 December of the year in which the application is submitted.
- However, children with specific educational support needs who are eligible for integration may be exempted from the age limit, following the joint opinion of the school management and the competent body of the Autonomous Administration.
A) Full time, with the following modalities:
a) Continuous: where the child remains in school for up to a maximum of 8 hours without interruption.
b) Split: where the child remains in school for up to the maximum of 8 hours on a continuous basis.
c) In shifts: where, for personal or work-related reasons of the child’s parents or legal guardians and duly accredited, the child attends on alternate days or weeks at different times.
B) Half-day: where the child attends school for 4 hours or less.
A) Place booking:
Parents/guardians of children registered with a place at the school will present the application form at the school office, where they will be provided with the corresponding form.
The deadline for submitting renewal applications will be the one established in the resolution of the Consortium Management, which will be published on the Consortium’s website and notice board, as well as on the notice board of the Town Hall and at the School.
B) New applications:
They will be made according to the model that will be provided at the school and from where the necessary collaboration will be given to the users to cover the application form so that the data is duly completed.
When the application does not meet the regulatory requirements, the interested party will be requested to correct the errors or the lack of mandatory documents within a period of 10 working days, stating that, if he/she fails to do so, the application will be deemed to have been rejected.
The deadline for submitting new applications for children to start school at the beginning of the academic year, i.e. in September, will be in May., the specific deadlines will be published on the Consortium’s website., the notice will be posted on its noticeboard, as well as on the Town Hall notice board and in the School.
Users who renew their place at the centre have preference for places, so that once the places have been renewed for the academic year that is about to begin, the number of places left over is offered to complete the quota, so that in the month of May pre-registration is made for new users. Once the pre-registration has been made and all the necessary documentation has been provided, the centre’s management will proceed to evaluate the applications. The scale will award a score to the user and is calculated according to: the socio-family situation, the work and family situation and the economic situation.
This scale is presented to the School Council, which approves it, thus establishing the provisional list of those admitted to the nursery school. Once the list has been published, there is a 10-day period for complaints before the definitive list of admitted pupils is published and the enrolment period begins.
This process is carried out in May, but if there are vacancies, another extraordinary process will be carried out in September, and the pre-enrolment applications must be submitted before 31 August; following the same protocol of approval of the scale, publication of provisional lists, period for complaints, publication of definitive lists and enrolment period. The children who go to the September scale start at the school in October.
If, after the extraordinary process in September, there were still places available, another extraordinary process would take place in December, and the pre-enrolment applications must be submitted before 30th November in order to follow the same protocol. The children who are included in the December ranking will start school in January.
All the necessary documentation for pre-registration and enrolment will be provided by the nursery school.
The provision of the school service is financed by the general resources of the Galician Consortium of Equality and Welfare Services, by the contributions of the city council and by the public prices paid by the users.
1.- The public prices are those established by the Steering Committee of the Galician Consortium of Equality and Welfare Services and, in any case, shall not exceed the maximum established in the public prices approved by the Xunta de Galicia.
Payment will be made monthly in arrears and must be paid the first 10 days of the following month, by direct debit from the bank account indicated for this purpose on the form attached to the registration form.
2.- All users will pay the amount of eleven monthly fees per course. The price corresponding to the child’s annual holiday month will not be paid. If the holidays have been divided into fifteen and fifteen days, the month corresponding to the second fortnight will not be paid. If for any reason the school is closed for more than fifteen consecutive days, the price corresponding to this period will not be paid.
3.- The non-attendance of the user during a specific period does not imply any reduction or exemption from the public price as long as the corresponding cancellation is not formalised. In spite of this, and on an exceptional basis, users may be exempted from payment if, for health reasons, they can prove, prior to their absence and duly justified by a medical report, that they are unable to attend the school for a period of more than 30 consecutive days.
4.- Revision of the public price: during the course, the price may be revised whenever variations in economic or family circumstances occur and are justified. In this sense, the beneficiary is obliged to communicate any variation that may occur in this respect. It will be the School Council who will propose the modification of this to the Consortium Management, who will make it definitive by issuing the corresponding resolution.
The amount of the user fees will be calculated on the basis of 3 fundamental points: the socio-family situation, the employment situation of the parents and the economic situation.