job centre
Ofertas noutros concellos
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Latest offers
Company in Forcarei needs an assistant to care for dependent people.
13 de September de 2022
Talleres PR Chapa e Pintura (Forcarei) selects assistant painter/carpainter.
13 de September de 2022
Livestock farm in Forcarei needs personnel
13 de September de 2022
What is it? the job centre
A database of job seekers and job offers is created through the Employment Exchange. of the Forcarei City Council. It is offered as one free service in which the City Council’s employment department acts as a mediator between the supply and demand for employment.
How does it work?
Once the job offer has been received, the department carries out a study of the applicants included in the job vacancies and selects the suitable candidates for the offer.. From the employment department The selected candidates are informed of the offer and, if they are interested, their CVs are sent to the company offering the job.