The Mayoress responds


places of interest

Villages of Cernadelo, Fontegrande and Regotraveso

Unique villages in the area of the Serra do Cando and Monte Seixo. The source of the river Verdugo and the springs that feed it. Construction of singular typology, legends and natural surroundings.

Name: Villages of Cernadelo, Fontegrande and Regotraveso

Category: Aldeas singulares

Municipality: Forcarei

Figure / Degree of protection: Ningunha

Current role: Private housing

Code: F17

Previous function: Private housing

Property: Private

Property: Bad

Main entrance: Asphalted road

State of conservation: Good

Access signposting: Yes

Informative signage: No

Parking: Yes

Other infrastructure: No

Assessment of the potential of the tourism resource (maximum 5, minimum 1)

Singularity: 5

Accessibility: 3

Attractive: 5

Security: 3

Impact resistance: 2

Ease of installation: 3

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A Alcaldesa comprométese a responder nun prazo máximo de 10 días.​

contact the mayoress

The Mayor promises to respond within 10 days.