The Mayoress responds


places of interest

Ruta das Pontes do Lérez

The Ruta das Pontes do Lérez is a linear path of 14.6 km that runs, for the most part, parallel to the river Lérez, linking the Mosteiro de Aciveiro and the town of Gaxín. The route is of medium-low difficulty and can be done by almost any kind of public. There are some areas where the route narrows and there may be a risk of falling, and areas where there are stream crossings, for which a minimum level of physical fitness is required. In terms of scenery, along the route there is a predominance of gallery forest ecosystems, with an abundance of tree species such as birch, birch and oak, and you can observe bird species that are so characteristic of these environments, such as herons and cormorants.

Name: Rutas das Pontes do Lépez

Category: Sendeiro

Municipality: Forcarei

Parish: Aciveiro, Dúas Igrexas, Forcarei e Castrelo

Figure / Degree of protection: ---

Opening data: 365 days

Code: F08

Timetable: 24 h

Cost: Gratis

Max. no. of people: ---

Property: Public / Private

Property: Good

Main entrance: Asphalted road

State of conservation: Good

Access signposting: No

Informative signage: Yes

Parking: Yes, that of the Mosteiro de Aciveiro

Other infrastructure: Recreational areas

Assessment of the potential of the tourism resource (maximum 5, minimum 1)

Singularity: 5

Accessibility: 1

Attractive: 5

Security: 2

Impact resistance: 3

Ease of installation: 4

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A Alcaldesa comprométese a responder nun prazo máximo de 10 días.​

contact the mayoress

The Mayor promises to respond within 10 days.