The Mayoress responds


places of interest

Neveiras de Fixó

Archaeological ensemble of two iceboxes dating from the 17th century, which were used by the monks of the Mosteiro de Aciveiro. They were used to store snow and ice. The iceboxes were restored and infrastructure was installed to ensure both the conservation of the snow and the safety of visitors. Access is firstly via forest tracks and finally via a concrete path.

Name: Neveiras de Fixó

Category: Arqueoloxía / etnografía

Municipality: Forcarei

Parish: Millarada

Figure / Degree of protection: ---

Opening data: 365 days

Current role: Ethnographic asset / tourism

Code: F04

Previous function: Ice preservation

Timetable: 24 h

Cost: Gratis

Max. no. of people: ---

Name: 559183,53

X-coordinate: 4713060,15

Y-coordinate: 559183,53

Property: Public

Property: Good

Main entrance: Pedestrian walkway

State of conservation: Good

Access signposting: Yes

Informative signage: Yes

Parking: No

Other infrastructure: Wooden walkway, wooden bench and wooden and iron railings.

Assessment of the potential of the tourism resource (maximum 5, minimum 1)

Singularity: 5

Accessibility: 3

Attractive: 5

Security: 5

Impact resistance: 4

Ease of installation: 5

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contact the mayoress

The Mayor promises to respond within 10 days.