The Mayoress responds


places of interest


There are 8 “castros” in the municipality of Forcarei. These forts are not excavated and there are no directional or informative signs. An archaeological excavation was carried out in the “castro das Rodeiras” – “castro de Garellas” in the month of November 2020 in which valuable information about the fort was obtained.

Name: Castros

Category: Arqueoloxía

Municipality: Forcarei

Parish: Pardesoa, A Madalena de Montes, Millarada, Castrelo, Dúas Igrexas, Pereira e Aciveiro

Figure / Degree of protection: ---

Opening data: 365 days

Code: F13

Previous function: Housing

Timetable: 24 h

Cost: Gratis

Max. no. of people: ---

Property: Public / Private

Property: Good

Main entrance: Road / Tracks

State of conservation: Good

Access signposting: Some

Informative signage: Castro de Loureiro

Parking: No

Other infrastructure: No

Assessment of the potential of the tourism resource (maximum 5, minimum 1)

Singularity: 4

Accessibility: 3

Attractive: 3

Security: 4

Impact resistance: 2

Ease of installation: 4

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A Alcaldesa comprométese a responder nun prazo máximo de 10 días.​

contact the mayoress

The Mayor promises to respond within 10 days.