The Mayoress responds


places of interest

Aldea de Grobas

Abandoned village next to the Grobas irrigation channel. It is made up of a series of stone houses with traditional architecture in a poor state of conservation. Some of the houses have no roof, windows or doors and are colonised by vegetation. There are no directional or informative signs. Nowadays some of the locals come to spend the day and make bonfires for cooking. There are remains of bonfires next to the stream. Access is from the PO-534 provincial road via tracks opened to access the wind farms in the Serra do Candán. You can get there by car along these tracks until you reach the last wind turbine, where you have to continue on foot along a wide path, which is in an average state of repair and not very pleasant for walkers, as there are numerous stones in the path’s box. After about 15 minutes on foot, you reach the village.

Name: Aldea de Grobas

Category: Poboación

Municipality: Forcarei

Parish: Millarada

Figure / Degree of protection: ---

Opening data: 365 days

Code: F03

Previous function: Population

Timetable: 24 h

Cost: Gratis

Max. no. of people: ---

Name: 560072,60

X-coordinate: 4714354,93

Y-coordinate: 560072,60

Property: Private

Property: Bad

Main entrance: Pedestrian Path

State of conservation: Regular

Access signposting: No

Informative signage: No

Parking: No

Other infrastructure: No

Assessment of the potential of the tourism resource (maximum 5, minimum 1)

Singularity: 2

Accessibility: 2

Attractive: 2

Security: 4

Impact resistance: 3

Ease of installation: 3

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The Mayor promises to respond within 10 days.