The Mayoress responds

Camiño da Geira e dos Arrieiros


This route links the town of Braga with Santiago de Compostela over a distance of 239 km.

The first 68 km of the route, from Braga Cathedral to the River Limia in Lobios, follow the Roman road known as Geira, which linked Bracara Augusta with Austurica Augusta. Over the next 40 km, in the area of Castro Lobeiro, altitudes of 1040 m are reached. It then descends to 400 m and enters the area of the Miño River and Ribeiro, where the vineyards abound. The last 92 km correspond to the main route followed by the ancient transporters of Ribeiro wines to Compostela, known as the Arrieiros.

RUTA XACOBEA DA GEIRA E DOS ARRIEIROS (14 km): Pardesoa ➡️ O Sixto ➡️Soutelo de Montes➡️ Vilapouca➡️Ventoxo ➡️ Fontela ➡️ Acevedo ➡️Freixeira ➡️Cachafeiro➡️Cabanas ➡️ Gaxín ➡️ A Mámoa

Diagram of the route of the Camiño da Geira e dos Arrieiros (source:

tourism resources

Along the route, a series of tourist resources were identified, both cultural and ethnographic as well as natural, which were analysed with the  aim of assessing the relevance of installing informative or interpretative signage along the route. The aim of this signage is to identify and enhance the value of the different resources of the municipality that are located in the vicinity of the route. These resources were evaluated on the basis of their quality, interest, state of conservation, landscape value and distance from the route. Once the assessment had been carried out, 9 resources were selected that were considered to have an informative or interpretative panel, as follows:

Cartographic annex

contacta coa alcaldesa

A Alcaldesa comprométese a responder nun prazo máximo de 10 días.​

contact the mayoress

The Mayor promises to respond within 10 days.