The Mayoress responds

Cadastral Information Point-PIC

Cadastral Information Point



The need to respond to the growing demand for cadastral information from those who do not have the appropriate computer and telematic resources, justifies the establishment of the Cadastral Information Points, which offer citizens all the advantages of the Virtual Cadastre Office with no other conditions than the mere request for the provision of the service.

In effect, the Cadastral Information Point will assume the role of intermediary in the exercise of the citizen’s right of access to cadastral information, to which from now on it will be able to supply all the information that exists in the national database of the Cadastre, from which the Virtual Cadastre Office is fed. This database has the advantage that it contains not only literal or alphanumeric information but also cartographic information, and that it is updated daily in accordance with the results of the cadastral updating processes carried out in each and every one of the Directorates and Sub-Directorates of the Cadastre, directly or with the collaboration of local Corporations, public notaries and other entities.

The services that can be accessed from any Cadastral Information Point are as follows:

  1. Free consultation and electronic certification of unprotected cadastral data and digital cartography.
  2. Electronic consultation and certification service for cadastral titleholders of protected data relating to the real estate they own.
  3. Service of negative certification of real estate or of the circumstance of not appearing as cadastral holder, relating to the applicant himself.
  4. Any other consultation and certification service that may be implemented in the future, under the terms of the Resolution issued for this purpose.

required documentation

This document must be accompanied by:

  • Photocopy of D.N.I. of the authorising party and its validity is limited to that application.
  • The authorised person must provide proof of identity.


The documents generated by the Cadastral Information Point will contain the date of issue and an electronic code that allows verification of their integrity and authenticity and will enjoy full validity and effectiveness, in accordance with the provisions of article 96 of Law 58/2003, of 17 December, General Tax Law, and article 41 of the revised text of the Law of Real Estate Cadastre.

contacta coa alcaldesa

A Alcaldesa comprométese a responder nun prazo máximo de 10 días.​

contact the mayoress

The Mayor promises to respond within 10 days.