Refurbishment and adaptation of the terraces of hotel and catering establishments and for the purchase of packaging and wrapping equipment for the service of
Resolution of 26 November 2020 publicising the Agreement of the Board of Directors approving the regulatory bases for aid for the installation, renovation and adaptation of the terraces of hotel and catering establishments and the acquisition of elements of packaging and packaging for the service of consumption at home, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund, in the framework of the operational programme Feder Galicia 2014-2020, and if appropriate, its call for applications on a non-competitive basis for the year 2021 (procedure code IG524-Y).
OBJECT: The purpose of this aid is to subsidise the following activities:
- Installation, reform and adaptation of terraces of hotel and catering establishments, located in public or private spaces in the Autonomous Community of Galicia.
- Procurement of packaging and packaging for home consumption service
PROCEDURE: the procedure for awarding these grants will be non-competitive.
BENEFICIARY ENTITIES: small and medium-sized enterprises, whatever their legal form, including groups of natural or legal persons, whether public or private, partnerships or any other type of economic unit or separate estate which, although not having legal personality, are able to carry out the projects, activities or behaviour or are in the situation giving rise to the grant of the subsidy, may qualify for this aid
COMPATIBILITIES: this aid is incompatible with other public aid or subsidies for the same actions. Before the aid is granted and paid, a negative declaration on any aid received for the same project must be included in the dossier. Failure to comply with the above will be considered an alteration of the conditions taken into account for the granting of the aid and may give rise to a reimbursement procedure.
COMPLIANCE WITH TAX OR SOCIAL SECURITY DUTIES: given the extraordinary nature of both the eligible actions and the state of alarm and health emergency, which meant that most self-employed persons and private companies requested deferral of their tax, social security or regional government obligations, or were temporarily unable to meet their obligations on a temporary basis, beneficiaries are exempted from the requirement to be up to date with their tax or social security obligations or with those of the public administration of the Autonomous Community at the time the aid is granted and the advance granted is paid.
- Carry out their activity in Galicia, in at least one workplace, in the hotel and catering sector.
- Having the status of SME according to the requirements established by the European Commission in its Recommendation 2003/361/EC of 6 May 2003, employing less than 50 workers.
- Be registered under one of the IAE headings listed in Annex I of the call for applications.
- Expenditure and investments made between 1 October 2020 and the deadline for implementation set out in the decision on the call for proposals.
- Suppliers may not be associated or linked to the applicant organisation or its management or governing bodies.
- When the amount of eligible expenditure is equal to or greater than €15,000 in the case of the provision of services or the purchase of goods, and €40,000 or greater in the case of the execution of works, the beneficiary must request at least three bids from different independent suppliers prior to contracting the execution of the work, the provision of the service or the purchase of the good. The submission of the three bids is also not required when the expenditure is incurred prior to the submission of the application for aid.
- For the purposes established in these rules, a terrace is considered to be an open-air installation made up of tables, hips and other elements, located within or outside the boundaries of a hotel and catering establishment.
- In any case, it must be an uncovered space or, if covered, be surrounded by a maximum of two sides.
- Installation of stable breastplates or installation of removable and mobile elements that serve as insulation, perimeter accentuation or protection, as well as other mobile elements that fulfil this function on the sides, roof and/or floor, such as awnings, screens, windbreaks, sunshades and accessible tarima.
- The aesthetic adaptation and improvement of the image and functionality of the terrace with criteria of aesthetic homogenisation and integration in its surroundings, through the renovation of the furniture, installation of lighting systems and external heating devices, as well as actions to improve the external façade of the premises. To be eligible, the heating devices must be electric or based on other options that do not involve fossil fuels and allow the service to be provided with energy from renewable sources.
- Procurement of sustainable food and beverage packaging for home delivery or pick-up service.
- Actions on terraces located inside shopping centres and inside establishments, as well as other actions carried out inside the establishment.
- The acquisition of computers, mobile devices, televisions, audio and video players and POS.
- Permits, licences or official school fees or any other taxes or duties.
- The installation of alarm, security or similar systems
- Textile items such as blankets, cushions, tablecloths …
- Advertising, with the exception of the name of the establishment on the fixed or movable elements of the terrace.
- The period for submitting applications for aid will begin on the day following publication of this call for applications in the Official Journal of the Autonomous Government of Galicia and will end on 28 February 2021, unless the appropriation is exhausted.
- The application form shall include an option for applicants to request an advance of 50% of the grant awarded, within the limit of the annuality foreseen in the budget year concerned.
- Among the duties of the beneficiaries is that of maintaining the investments, linked to the eligible economic activity, in the work centre in Galicia, for three years from the end of the project implementation period.